zaterdag 8 mei 2010

My collection - Louis Vuitton Multicolor Agenda

Tada! This is my very first designer item, and the only one that I didn't pay for myself.
May I present to you my wonderfull Louis Vuitton agenda! I got this as a high school graduation gift from my parents, there is a fun story behind it..
I was in Paris with my friend and her parents, by that time I allready fell for Louis Vuitton but could not afford it at all! While walking on the Champs Elysee we were stopped by and Asian couple, asking us to buy them 2 bags and 2 wallets at the Vuitton store. My friends' father agreed to do it, so the couple gave us both 900 euro's in cash (!!). They told us what bag to get and that we could pick the wallet out ourselves (seriously??!!). We had to split up, I went in with my friends' father, she went in with her mother. I was so a bit nervous inside, thought it was a scam and we would end up in jail lol! You never know, right?

Anyway, in the store I saw this agenda and said: that is going to be my graduation present!

We made it out of the store alive, with a fun and weird experience. Coming home I told my parents about the agenda. They have no clue about designer stuff, so they didn't know about the price. But they agreed on getting the agenda for me.

So when I graduated, my parents, that same friend and her parents went to Amsterdam to Louis Vuitton. I looked rediculous, wearing a bright yellow trenchcoat and pink fake uggs. But back then, I thought I looked fabulous!

My mom and dad don't own a creditcard, and they asumed they could just use their debet cards at the store. I was sure you could only pay cash or with a creditcard (I just learned about a year ago that you can also pay with a normal debet card!) so my mom and dad went on a hunt for the nearest ATM. When they came back I had to fill in a card with my info, they had these cheap BIC pens in the store. My dad made a comment that imbarresed me so much, but thinking back..I think he had a point! He was saying out loud that it is stupid that they use these cheap plastic pens to write with when you are buying such expensive products! They could have atleast had a Parker pen there, they are maybe 20 euro's?

I'm not sure if they still have the BIC pens ;) .

Fast forward 5 years, I still use my agenda every day. The leather is darker and has some water spots, but thats no problem for me. It was my first item and it is very special to me. I still love it to pieces!

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